March 28, 2011

When you hear the rumble...

Hokusai, From 36 Views of Mt. Fuji (Hokusai is a Japanese woodcut artist- not Chinese- but a great artist)

We started working on another piece of our adoption journey puzzle this evening.  I will wait on the details until we know for sure how things will work out.  However, dear hubby and I have both been hearing the voice of God in our lives.  We are also realizing we are hearing the distant rumbling... of the mountains moving, of the moving of our God who can move the mountains.  I am feeling terribly unworthy and afraid-- much like Moses must have felt when he was allowed to glimpse the glory of God on his own mountain.  Feeling the ground move beneath us, I have to admit that it is easier to hide your head, to embrace complacency than to step out in real faith.  When you hand God something insurmountable and He proceeds to show you how really very small that is in light of His  I am overcome with the fear of what this means- has to mean- in my life.  I want to be content being comfortable and small and cynical and full of doubt and all those things it is easy to let ourselves be, even when we call ourselves Christ-followers, on a daily basis.  If He hands me unshakable evidence of His absolute, amazing power something has to change in me.  It's one thing to hear the cool stories of God moving in other people's lives or for it to even give me goosebumps, but it's something altogether different to stand in the palm of God's hand and feel how real His power is.  For those of you kind souls following with us, please pray that we can remember that there is as much amazing love as amazing power being offered to us, that we are following a God that can be trusted with every single detail of our lives, hopes and dreams.  We serve a mighty God whose heart breaks for lonely, powerless children without families.... weakest of the weak, smallest of the small.  WOW.  How very backwards to how our world sees things.   We will definitely share more details as they get more solid! 


  1. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you... :)

  2. Thanks! Being beaten up by strep throat currently, so I've stagnated in blogging!
